I have to remind myself to slow down and appreciate the moment instead of thinking of all the things I need to do, or all the things I'm looking forward to (summer, summer, vacations, summer, summer, and so on).
Though I grumble about being cold and the lack of light, winter almost forces me to lighten the pace a bit. Which is a good thing. Last Saturday there was no good reason to leave the house. Kids didn't have games or plans that required a chaperone. Lars spent the entire weekend in his "evening attire" squabbling with his sibs over computer rights. Me? I watched episode upon episode of "I Love Lucy" and the original "That Darn Cat". The bright Technicolor and Haley Mills' earnest delivery could melt the iciest of hearts.
Since I am too impatient to figure out blogspot's choices for layout design, and I can't take time to read the tutorial on uploading images, Edward will have to suffice as representative of the cat flick. The poster is fantastic--check it out on idmb.com.
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